Thursday, October 02, 2008

Personal Body Confidence

I found this column a week or so ago and thought what a cool goal Carol Whitsett has: "...just to have every woman leaving here able to walk into a room like a powerful woman." Wow.

The column is Violet Blue's "Feeling Sexy In An Unsexy World." Carol Whitsett is the founder of Sedusa Studios, the largest pole dancing studio in the U.S. And this is perhaps one of the coolest ideas for a bachelorette party that I've seen in a long time.

Do a search for "burlesque studio bachelorette" and you'll see a long list of studios offering classes in pole dancing, burlesque, exotic dance, stripteasing, belly dancing, and more, in cities all over the nation. These are private (did you see that word?) classes for small groups, perfect for bachelorettes.

I've written before about "shrinking brides" and the lengths they go to to be perfect for the day, sometimes doing dangerous things to achieve a certain look or weight. Carol Whitsett decided to start her studio because she was "driven by realizing how much having personal body confidence was changing the rest of her life." I love, love, LOVE the idea of people of ALL sizes and shapes finding "personal body confidence."

If you're planning a bachelorette party, do a search and see if there's a studio in your area and give it a try! And then please let me know what you think! I'd love to hear all about your experience!

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