Monday, April 09, 2012

I'm Singing Anyway

I follow lots of cookie (and cake) artists on Facebook and share their work there frequently because I'm amazed and inspired by the things they can do. Miniature paintings on cookies, cakes shaped like purses and castles, cupcakes that look like rosebuds...I find all of it incredible.

I enjoy baking and decorating cookies, but I'll never be a "cookie artist." I share baking projects here sometimes, knowing that the results aren't as amazing as the pros I admire. But I figure that there are probably lots of other people like me who bake for fun with their kids or to make gifts to share. (Am I right?) And I know, too, that any of my simple ideas could be starting points for those of you with more skill and creativity than I have. That makes me happy.

I keep seeing this quote everywhere: "Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best." (attribution details) These lamb cookies ended up looking more like woolly pigs. The daisies are a bit sloppy, I know. I'm no singer, but I'm singing anyway

What talents do you possess? Are there others that you're still working on? Are you singing even though you're not the best? What do you think?

These are some of my favorite cake and cookie designers on Facebook: 

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